Accessible Playground In Fresco PlaceOrana Park Playground

    Last update at Aug 7, 2023 6:52 AM

    Orana Park & Playground in Clyde North features the ‘Skywalk’ a massive, very high rope climbing net which leads to a cubby to net tunnel to another cubby & then down a big slide.

    There are also swings, in-ground trampolines, sand & water tables & a wheelchair accessible carousel. There are further cubbies with small slides for little ones, climbing wall, skate/scooter path for easy rolling & glazed-brick cricket wall.

    The park feautres shelters, picnic & BBQ area, drinking fountains, easy roll pathways, outdoor gym with five fitness stations including battle ropes, skate park, reclining style seating, accessible toilets & onsite parking.

    There are wooden animal sculptures & etchings of creatures on the rocks, red & white toadstools, & "The Watering Spirit' water sculpture by Geoffrey Ricardo which collects rain in cups on the ‘Tree of Life’ for the local birds to drink & bathe in.

    Easy terrain
    Easy access to play area
    Ambulant accessible toilet
    Accessible parking
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