Getting involved
...there are four main ways
Beyond adding places to our map every now and then, there are four main ways in which you can get involved with helping us make Australia a more inclusive country which we can all be proud off.
1. If you want to help out adding and updating places on a more regular basis, you might consider joining Team WheelEasy as a volunteer. Our aim is to map every place in every corner of Australia. Register as a volunteer on the web app to help us in our quest to bring helpful access information to everyone who needs it.
2. With volunteers across the country, we need to find WheelEasy Ambassadors to coordinate the volunteers in their local areas. As an Ambassador will work with you to arrive at the particular areas we want to focus on next, and direct volunteers to add info in those areas.
3. All the information and photos that people submit needs to be moderated. We ask people who have experience of mobility needs to do this; people who really understand what others will find helpful. We want to hear from you if you have a problem getting around, or spend time with someone who does.
4. The fourth way in which you could get involved with WheelEasy is with the look of the web app. The quality of our main photography and the design of the app means it stands out. We’ve got this far on our own, but as we grow to cover all of Australia we need help. So we’re also putting a callout to really good photographers and designers.