Accessible Beach In Shortland EsplanadeNewcastle Canoe Pool

    Last update at Jun 7, 2023 5:43 AM

    Canoe Pool is a lovely spot located next to Newcastle Ocean Baths. The pool is also know as Map Pool & Young Mariners' Pool because of the urban myth rumour that in the sand is a concrete map of the world.

    Its a shallow non patrolled wading pool with a concrete ramp down to the pool for beach wheelchairs. The water levels in the pool depend on the amount of sand that's been washed in or washed away from the pool.

    Accessible toilets can be found at Foreshore Park - Gardeners Shed & Nobbys Beach Pavillion. Accessible parking can be found at Fort Scratchley & Forshore Park.

    The Paymasters Kiosk can be found at Newcastle Ocean Baths along with desginated parking spaces.

    Obstacle free access
    Mainly firm sand
    Gentle gradient
    Smooth shore routes
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